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Dual-Language Immersion


Dual Language


Selah School District Mission Statement: "In partnership with parents and the community, Students in the Selah School District dual language program will attain high levels of academic achievement, while becoming bilingual, biliterate, and multicultural life-long learners with skills that allow students to compete effectively in a global community."
Dual Immersion programs bring together native speakers in two different languages where each is immersed in a new language. Instruction is carefully designed and conducted in both languages. As a result both groups of students have the opportunity to become literate and fluent in both languages.

Benefits of Two-Way Bilingual Immersion Program

The Two-Way Bilingual Immersion Program has been designed to maximize the benefits of second language learning for student participants based on the premise that the earlier a child is introduced to a language, the greater the likelihood that the child will become truly proficient. The program design is evidence-based. A significant body of research has established many benefits for learning a second language. These benefits are cognitive, academic, economic and social in nature. Additionally, learning other languages encourages students to participate actively in an increasingly interdependent world.



Kristi Irion
Director of Student Support


Irina Stoica
Robert Lince - Principal


Cesar Ortiz Gonsales
JCP - Assistant Principal
T. 509-698-8103


Sarah Hansen

Sarah Hansen


Paul Hudson
SMS-Assistant Principal


Colton Monti
SHS - Principal