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Highly Capable


Welcome to Highly Capable Services

It is the goal of the Selah School District to ensure high levels of learning and opportunities for all students including those who are highly capable or performing at advanced levels. The Highly Capable and Advanced Programs are intended to provide support for students identified as requiring services beyond the normal learning environment. Highly Capable and Advanced students are identified following State definitions of Highly Capable students (Chapter 392-170 WAC). They exhibit unusual cognitive ability; they often demonstrate advanced levels of academic achievement and/or display unusual creative behavior. Different pace, complexity, and instruction are necessary for identified highly capable students to reach their full potential.

The Selah School District's Assistant Superintendent for Student Learning oversees Highly Capable and Advanced Programs. The Director works with the District Administrative Team, K-12 Highly Capable/Advanced staff and parents to develop and provide a continuum of services for identified highly capable or advanced students.

Highly Capable Plan

Coming Soon....


Alicia Jacob
Executive Director for Student Learning
T. 509-698-8003

Kay Smith
Highly Capable Services Coordinator
T. 509-698-8427