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Learning Assistance Program


What is LAP?
LAP provides state financial assistance to school districts to meet the needs of educationally at-risk students. The goal of LAP is to provide extra instructional services and activities which support students identified as failing or most at risk of failing the state's challenging performance standards in mathematics, reading and writing, as well as provides support for behavior, graduation assistance, and to students entering into Kindergarten and highschool.

Who is Eligible for LAP Services?

  • Based on LAP Law the first and primary focus is Literacy.  Once 60% or more proficient other areas of need may be addressed.  A student is eligible for LAP services if he/she scores below standard in ELA or mathematics for his or her grade level using multiple measures of performance. LAP serves eligible students in:
  • •ELA (K–12)
  • •Mathematics (K–12)
  • •Behavior (K–12)
  • •Transition Services for students transitioning into kindergarten and into high school (Grades 8–9)
  • •Graduation Assistance (Grades 11–12)

The services provided may include:

  • Extended Learning Time (additional time during the regular school day or beyond the regular school year)
  • Tutoring/Intervention (including pull-out, push-in, and double-dosing support that occurs during the school day)
  • Professional Learning (for all educators working with LAP students explicitly tied to student learning goals,student achievement, the needs of diverse student populations, specific literacy and math content and instructional strategies, and using student work to guide instruction and assistance)

Contacts by School

  • Robert Lince Early Learning Center - Irina Stoica - - 698-7901
  • John Campbell Primary - Amanda Scribner - - 698-8102
  • Selah Intermediate School - Sarah Hansen - - 698- 8305
  • Selah Middle School - Marc Gallaway - - 698-8402
  • Selah High School - Colton Monti - 698-8505
  • Selah Online - Jeff Cochran - - 698-8055