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Homeless Student Information

Our schools provide equal and comparable access to all students regardless of their home living
situation. To help ensure academic success, McKinney-Vento eligible children and youth can be
assisted in the following ways:

o Educational consistency by maintaining attendance at the current school (school of origin) for
the remainder of the existing school year, if this is in the childs best interest and is feasible, or
enrolling in the neighborhood school where currently residing.

o Transportation assistance provided if needed to attend the student’s school of origin.

o FREE school nutrition services.

o Assistance obtaining appropriate academic supports, i.e. classroom needs, basic school
clothing, school records and documentation.

o Help connecting to appropriate social service supports.

 We work closely with neighboring school districts and community agencies to create a network to
support students and families in short-term/temporary and transitional/homeless housing situations
while they secure permanent housing.

To access McKinney-Vento services, students, parents or guardians and/or adults caring for
unaccompanied youth, can speak with the District Homeless Liaison at (509) 698-8309.