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Foster Care Information

In Washington State, RCW 28a.225.330 was enacted to support children and youth in Foster Care. This law applies to all students in or awaiting Foster Care. The intent of this law is to ensure Foster Care children and youth enroll and succeed in school.

Students in Foster Care and awaiting Foster Care are entitled to additional support. 
Students in Foster Care and awaiting Foster Care have a right to:

  • Attend school in the attendance area where they are currently living
  • When in the best interest of the child, attend the school of origin (the school they attended at the time they entered care), or the school in which they were last enrolled.
  • Immediate enrollment and support from district Foster Care Liaison in obtaining school records and coordinating services.
  • Receive transportation to their school, if necessary.
  • Free school meals.
  • Services for English Language Learners, Special Education, and/or Gifted Education.
  • Support with on-time grade progression and graduation of students.