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Publishing Student Information

Release of Student Information

Dear Parents,
The district may publish student names and photographs when reporting on student activities, to recognize student achievement and for public information purposes.

If you do not want your child's photo and/or name published please contact your child's school within two weeks after registering your child in the Selah School District or by September 15th of each school year. There is a non-publish form that must be filled out annually. The original will remain on file at your child's school and a copy will be forwarded to the Administration Office. If no form is on file it will be assumed that permission for release of photos, names and/or directory information has been granted.

  • Keep in mind that if you choose NOT to have your child's name and/or photo published - and your child is an award winner or other honoree who is celebrated in print, we will NOT be able to publish a name or picture.
  • If you do NOT want your child's name and/or photo published, this will also include NOT publishing a photo or name reference in the school's yearbook.
  • Your child may be photographed, though not identified on occasion, if the photograph is of a large group situation such as an assembly or team activity.

The form can be downloaded here.

Kevin McKay, Superintendent