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Enrollment for Preschool


Enrollment for Preschool & Transitional Kindergarten

Available Programs


Click on the program link to view more information about that program. 


Preschool ECEAP (State Funded)


Transitional Kindergarten (State Funded)


Tuition Preschool

Student Eligibility

3-4 years old, and no older than 5 by August 31 of current school year 

Must be 4 years old by August 31 of current school year

3-4 years old, and no older than 5 by August 31 of current school year 

Length of School Day

Full School Day and Part Day AM/PM available

Full School Day

Full and Part Day AM/PM available 




  • * $700 monthly for School Day Classes (5 days a week)
  • * $400 monthly for Part Day classes (4 days a week)
  • * $75 enrollment fee/deposit


79 spots, mix of half-day and school day. 

18 spots

15 spots, mix of half-day and school day. 

How to Apply

Step 1: Complete the ECEAP Pre Screen Application, Photo Release form, and Permission for Screening Form to determine eligibility for either program. Send completed forms to the contacts below. 


Step 2: You will be contacted if you received a spot in the ECEAP or TK program. 


Step 3: Those who receive a spot in either program will then need to complete the New Student Online Enrollment process

Step 1: Complete the New Student Online Enrollment process


Step 2: Contact Denise Gunvaldson that you completed the online enrollment process and to put your name on the wait list for tuition preschool.


Step 3: You will be contacted if you received a spot in the Tuition program. 

Contact Information

Denise Gunvaldson at 509-698-8025 or 


Alejandro Villafan at 509-698-8086 or 


Please be aware our registration personnel for our preschool programs are available from the first day of school to the last day of school. If you need assistance outside of those days please use our enrollment email: 



Children must be 3-4 years old, and no older than 5 by August 31 of the current school year.

Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program - ECEAP
Webpage: Find out more about ECEAP
Video:  ECEAP Helps 3 to 5 Year Olds Succeed ,   ECEAP is Washington’s State-Funded Pre-K Program, ECEAP Works!                                   

None. However, families are required to meet with family support three times annually and make progress toward family goals.

Creative Curriculum
Al's Pals

Part-Day Classes AM/PM and School Day

We have 79 ECEAP spots in our preschool, which is a mix of half-day and school day.

Sign up
Prior to filling out the Eceap Prescreen Application, you will want to have one of the following documents to verify your income (Tax Return, W-2, Pay Stub, TANF, or Foster Care)

These documents will need to be completed and sent to the contacts below.  Also, you will need to fill out the Selah School District Registration above.

1. English - ECEAP Prescreen Application 
2. Spanish - ECEAP Prescreen Application
3. English/Spanish Photo Release Form
4. English/Spanish Permission for Screening


Children must be 4 years old by August 31 of current school year.

Dual Language -Transitional Kindergarten - TK
Webpage: What is Transitional Kindergarten
Video: Overview of Transitional Kindergarten


Creative Curriculum
Second Steps

School Day
Classes are held in the kindergarten building.  The class follows a typical kindergarten schedule including specialists and meals in the cafeteria.  Also, rest time is included.

18 spots

Sign up
Families will need to fill out the ECEAP paperwork to determine TK eligibility.  Prior to filling out the Eceap Prescreen Application, you will want to have one of the following documents to verify your income (Tax Return, W-2, Pay Stub, TANF, or Foster Care)

These documents will need to be completed and sent to the contacts below.  Also, you will need to fill out the Selah School District Registration above once eligibility has been determined.

1. English - ECEAP Prescreen Application 
2. Spanish - ECEAP Prescreen Application
3. English/Spanish Photo Release Form
4. English/Spanish Permission for Screening


Children must be 3-4 years old, and no older than 5 by August 31 of the current school year.

Tuition-based preschool

Inclusionary preschool classrooms 

$700 monthly for School Day classes, which are five days a week.
$400 monthly for Part Day classes, which are four days a week.
$75 enrollment fee/deposit once accepted into a tuition slot.

Creative Curriculum
Al's Pals 

School Day
Classes are held in the preschool building.
The class follows a typical preschool schedule which includes rest time.

We have 15 tuition spots in our preschool.

Sign up
1.Click Here to fill out the registration for Robert Lince.
2. The entire registration process must be completed to move to the next step.
3. Contact Denise Gunvaldson to put your name on the list for tuition