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Medication at School

Parent/guardian responsibilities
Prescription medications and over-the-counter oral medications may only be used by students or given to students at school, when a written authorization - from the licensed health professional prescribing the medication - is on file in your child's school.

In order for students to take or carry medication of any kind at school, a parent/guardian must provide the appropriate form(s), completed by the Health Care Provider who sees the student. This must be done every year for each medication.

Permission to Administer Medication at School
Authorization for Administration of Epinephrine (epipen)
Medical Authorization for Asthma Management at School

Medication cannot be given without the completed form. This requirement is a law in Washington State.

Each medication must be delivered to the school in its original container with a label including: 

  • student name
  • date issued
  • name of medication
  • name of health care provider
  • exact dosage

Providing the required paperwork, authorizations and medications will help make school a safe and healthy place for your child.

Please feel free to contact the District Nurse if you have any questions or concerns.

Updated procedures regarding school use of prescription and non-prescription medicine are documented in District policy 3416 and Procedure 3416.

If your student carries emergency medication at school, for a life threatening condition or allergies, please use links below for more information:

Life Threatening Conditions