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Severe allergies
If your student has a severe allergy that is potentially life-threatening, you need to inform the school where your child attends and report it on the nurse alert form. Schools need documentation of these health conditions and necessary treatment in order to effectively care for your student.

What you need to report
Severe allergies that must be reported before the student starts school include life-threatening reactions to:

  • nuts, peanuts
  • bees
  • milk, dairy
  • shellfish
  • wheat or gluten

Reporting Severe allergies
If your student has a life-threatening allergy, you must complete the allergy health care plan before he/she can attend school. Your child’s school nurse will work with students, parents and health care providers to develop the plan.

Forms that may be required include:

Mild allergies
Many students have mild allergies, such as springtime reactions to tree and grass pollen that cause itchy, watery eyes and runny noses. These types of mild allergies do not need to be reported on the nurse alert form.