Special Education Programming
Students with disabilities eligible for special education services have IEPs developed to meet their learning needs. Selah School District is committed to providing special education in inclusive settings. Inclusive preschool programs, push in special education services, common intervention times, and co-teaching are examples of instructional models used to support students with special education needs in accessing the general education settings. Below is a summary of program options in SSD:
Birth to Three Programs are provided by the Children’s Village in coordination with Selah School District for eligible children who may transition into the district’s preschool program at age three.
Child Find is a process designed to locate children, birth through age 21, with a suspected disability, to evaluate and identify a need for special education and related services.[link back to child find information page]
Early Childhood Special Education is provided to eligible children, ages three through five, with the support of district special education personnel, including teachers, paraeducators, speech-language pathologists, occupational therapists, and other specialists. Services are provided within integrated settings (preschool) where appropriate to the individual child's instructional needs.
Resource Support Program (RSP) is provided to students with identified disabilities who demonstrate an increased need in one or more domains. Students receiving learning resource center support receive half or more of their daily instruction through general education, along with specially designed instruction in learning areas or other areas of identified need. Special education teachers work with general education teachers to provide services within general education environments through co-teaching and common intervention times where appropriate for students.
Supported Learning Classroom (SLC) is for students with identified disabilities who demonstrate primary learning needs in the functional life skills domain. They may need intensive, specially designed instruction to learn how to independently manage self-care or to acquire basic academic and social-emotional skills needed to be successful in supervised or sheltered adult employment. SLC is also for students with significant disabilities, including those who are medically fragile, who need to develop basic communication and skills for participating in daily support routines.
Selah Transition Education Program (STEP) is designed to teach employment, personal management, and recreation/leisure skills to 18 to 21 year old students with developmental disabilities. STEP staff, employment vendors, and representatives from the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) and the Division of Developmental Disabilities work together to formulate transition plans to support each student’s transition to adulthood