SMS Students Win State FCCLA Gold
Selah Middle School FCCLA Students Win State Gold! Advance to National Conference!
Selah Middle School Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) students hit gold at the recent state conference, but will be seeing green as they advance to the national event this summer!
Congratulations to Olivia Eismann, Addyson Gamache, Leah Richards, and Sarah Richards, as they advance to July’s National FCCLA Conference in Seattle, the Northwest’s Emerald City. During the event they will present their state gold-winning projects as part of the Students Taking Action with Recognition (STAR) National Competition. STAR Events is the competitive program of FCCLA where students choose a competition project that relates to their family, community or future career.
Olivia Eismann, a seventh grader, advances to the national level for displaying her style with her Wing Dress Fashion Construction project.
Also, a seventh grader, Addyson Gamache, advances to nationals for getting creative with her Cheep Cheep Chicken Feed Sack Reusable Bag Repurpose and Redesign Project.
The sister team of sixth grader Sarah Richards and eighth grader, Leah Richards, will participate in the national conference with their Anti-Vape National Programs in Action Project. The state event was extra special for the Richards sisters as they were presented their award from older sister, Clare, the Washington FCCLA State President.
FCCLA is a national Career and Technical Student Organization serving students in Family and Consumer Sciences education. As part of FCCLA, students make a difference in their families, careers and communities by addressing important personal, work, and societal issues.
Selah Middle School FCCLA is advised by teacher, Heather Fendell.