News Updates
A Selah School District Board of Directors Study Session is scheduled for Thursday, February 13, beginning at 7:00 a.m. in the Board Room.
Mark your calendar for Tuesday, January 28, as Selah Superintendent Kevin McKay hosts a community roundtable to bring parent and patron voices together.
Are you passionate about your child's education and want to make a positive impact in your community?
Seeking Incoming Junior School Board Student Reps!
It’s time to prepare for next year and with that online enrollment for all new Selah students entering Grades preschool through 12, for the 2024-2025 school year is open.
Online enrollment for all new Selah students entering Grades first through 12, for the 2024-2025 school year begins May 1.
If you were unable to attend the April 24th Community Collaboration where a panel of Selah High School seniors talked about their school experiences, access here for the recording.
It’s never too early to begin thinking about next school year and that means Preschool and Kindergarten online enrollment is now open!
Mark your calendar for Wednesday, March 6, for an important adults-only presentation from Russ Tuttle, founder of The STOP Trafficking Project.
Preschool and kindergarten registration is just around the corner in March! Let us know if you plan on registering your student for preschool or kindergarten by taking our survey!