District Long Range Facility Plan
Selah School District
Long-Range Facility Plan
December, 2017 Final
Established by District Facilities Committee
This long range facility plan is intended to assist the Selah School District in determining capital facility priorities, including potential bond proposals, for the next 20 years. Besides replacing John Campbell in Phase 1, the remainder of the list is advisory only. The school board will make decisions on bond packages and capital projects using this list as a reference. In addition, this list should be reviewed annually and updated at least every 6 years along with the completion of a new Study and Survey.
Phase 1 - To be completed as soon as possible beginning with a bond proposal ready for voters in April of 2018.
Two new facilities to replace the current John Campbell Primary campus. One campus at the current Robert Lince site as a Kindergarten-only building and one at the current John Campbell site as a new 1-2 building. Both will include safer drop-off/pick-up locations and bus loading zones.
Phase 2 - To be completed within the next 20 years through future bond proposals.
Within the next 10 years: Selah High School remodel and upgrades, including the potential addition of a performing arts center. Remodel and upgrades to be determined through future facilities planning. Within the next 20 years: Selah Intermediate School remodel and upgrades. Remodel and upgrades to be determined through future facilities planning.
Supplemental Projects - To be added on to bond packages at the school board's discretion depending on pricing. In addition, these projects could be completed through other funding mechanisms (capital projects money, donations/fundraising, etc.). This list is in order of priority.
1. Transportation facility upgrades.
2. Address drainage issues at the high school football field. One idea to accomplish this is through the
installation of artificial field turf.
3. Maintenance facility upgrades.
Other Projects - These are things important to the facilities committee and should be discussed/addressed through ongoing capital improvements and discussions with the City of Selah.
Alleviate congestion on 1st avenue that makes it dangerous for middle and high school students Continue making safety upgrades and improvements to all campuses through the safety committee recommendations from each campus.
Continue making energy upgrades to improve efficiency and save money through the capital and maintenance project review process each year.
Begin discussions about potential property acquisition for future growth.