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2024-2025 School Year

Important Information for the 2024-2025 School Year

News and Notes to Know!

First Day of School is Monday, August 26!

The summer calendar has switched to August and it will soon be time for Selah students to return to school!  As we approach the new academic year, here are some back-to-school news and notes.

 When Do School Offices Open?  After being closed the month of July, school offices have now reopened to the public.  Please direct any specific question regarding your student to the building(s) your child(ren) attend(s).

 Registration, Meetings and Welcome Back Events:  As students welcome a new school year, there are some registration and back-to-school events they will want to place on their calendars. 

*Selah Middle School will be hosting its student orientations on Monday, August 19

On this day, Sixth Grade Orientation will take place from 8:30 - 11:00 a.m. 

Seventh and Eighth Grade Orientation will be coinciding with the last name first letter at:

  • A - E — 12:00 - 1:00 p.m.
  • F - J — 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
  • K - O — 2:00 - 3:00 p.m.
  • P - Z — 3:00 - 4:00 p.m.

*Selah High School will hold it's Back-to-School Kick-Off Day on Monday, August 19.  The schedule is as follows:

  • Seniors — 2:30 - 4:00 p.m.
  • Juniors — 4:00 - 5:00 p.m.
  • Sophomores — 5:00 - 6:00 p.m.
  • Freshmen — 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.

*The Migrant Program will hold its Back Pack Open House and Summer Meeting on Tuesday, August 20, from 6:30 -8:00 p.m. at John Campbell Primary School.

*Selah Intermediate School will hold its Meet the Teacher Night on Thursday, August 22, from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m.

*Robert Lince TK and Kindergarten teachers will hold family meetings Monday, August 26 & Tuesday, August 27.

*John Campbell Primary School will hold family meetings for First and Second Grade students on Monday, August 26 & Tuesday, August 27.

*Robert Lince Preschool Family Conferences will be held Monday, August 26 through Thursday, August 29.

 First Day of Classes:  The first day of classes for students in Grades 3-12 is Monday, August 26.  On this day students in grades 10-12 will begin 2 1/2 hours later than the normal bell schedule. 

• First Day of School TK, Kindergarten, First and Second Grades:  The first day of classes for students attending TK and Kindergarten at the Robert Lince Early Learning Center and First and Second Grade students at John Campbell Primary School is Wednesday, August 28.  On this day all students in first and second grades will attend school.  Robert Lince students in the TK and Kindergarten Programs will stagger start with half of the students attending on Wednesday, August 28 and half of the students attending on Thursday, August 29.  Information on which day students will attend will be provided at the student meetings earlier in the week.

• Who is My Teacher? It's always exciting when students find out the name of their teacher.  Students attending the Robert Lince Early Learning Center, John Campbell Primary School and Selah Intermediate School typically find out who their teacher is sometime in August either through a letter mailed home, a phone call, or a ParentSquare communication.  If families have teacher questions, they can contact the school their child(ren) attend(s) .

Students at Selah Middle School and Selah High School know their teachers upon registration.

• School Supply Lists:  You know it's back-to-school time when supply lists are posted.  Please see here for the simple list of suggested school supply items for students to bring for use in the classroom during the 2024-2025 school year.

• 2024-2025 Bell Schedule:  When the 2024-2025 school year begins, students will follow the same beginning day and ending day bell schedule as last year.  Please see below.

• Late Start Wednesdays: Selah students will once again be following a Wednesday morning one-hour late start schedule to allow teachers to collaborate.  On late arrival Wednesday, ALL SCHOOLS in the Selah School District will begin ONE HOUR LATER than their normal start time.  Also, buses will pick-up students one-hour later than their regular pick-up time.

• Attendance Matters:  As we begin a new school year, the District is making a special effort to ensure that all students fully benefit from their education by attending school regularly.  Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school and themselves.  Please help your student establish a school routine where they are in attendance regularly.  If your student is absent from school please contact the building they attend.  See here for school attendance phone numbers.

• Don't be Late!  As part of a healthy attendance routine, please make sure your child gets to school on time.  Getting to school on time is crucial for a successful day of learning.  Please review your child's school schedule.  Establish a morning routine that will help ensure that your child arrives at school, on time, and ready to learn.

• New Student Enrollment:  For families new to the District, online enrollment is open for all students.  This includes preschool and kindergarten students as well as all students new to the District in Grades 1-12.  The online process includes enrollment for new families to Selah, as well as for existing families who have other children attending Selah Schools and want to enroll a sibling or other student in the household.  Parents can register their children using any electronic device.  If families don't have access to a personal device, they can visit one of Selah's schools or the District Office to use a computer to complete the process on site. 


• Year Start Forms:  At the start of each school year we ask families to complete the annual Year Start Packet for their current students.  This ensures the District has the most up-to-date student and family information including emergency contacts, student health and medication information, transportation needs, etc.  Please have the Year Start Packet completed for each student in the family prior to the first day of school. Access here to begin the Year Start Forms process.

• Family Income Survey:  Our district participates in a federal program called the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP).  This program allows all children in Selah schools to eat at no charge.  However, some education programs we provide are funded with state dollars.

We will no longer be collecting Free and Reduced-Priced Applications every year. Instead, we must collect the Family Income Survey.  This form helps the District collect household information for all students attending CEP schools.  Without this information, Selah School District could lose important state funding for educational programs and your child may not qualify for the fee waiver.  Please complete the Family Income Survey when it becomes active this upcoming fall.

• Immunization News:  Children entering school are required to have certain vaccinations before they can start.  See here for the required immunizations for the 2024-2025 school year.  Also, following state law, the parent or guardian of a child must provide medically verified documentation of immunization records to their student's respective school on or before the first day of attendance.  This means records turned in must be from a health care provider that shows the students' records are accurate.  Students cannot attend school until immunization records are provided. If families are requesting an exemption from one or more of the immunization requirements, they must provide the school a completed certificate of exemption.  See here for more Washington State Department of Health immunization news. 

• Medication at School:  Prescription and over-the-counter oral medications may only be used by students or given to students at school, when a written authorization from a licensed health professional prescribing the medication is on file at school.  For students to possess medication at school, a parent/guardian must provide the appropriate form(s), completed by the Health Care Provider who sees the student.  This must be done annually for each medication.  By law, medication cannot be given without the completed form. See here for permission to administer medication at school.  Access here for authorization for administration of Epinephrine (epipen). See here for medical authorization for asthma management at school.  Each medication must be brought to school in its original container labeled with the students' name, date issued, medication name, health care provider's name, and exact dosage.  

• Let's Communicate — Activate Your ParentSquare Account:  Staying connected will be easy during the 2024-2025 school year as once again the District will use ParentSquare as its notification and messaging system.  ParentSquare activation is simple:  Once parents/guardians have registered their student and a Skyward account has been created, ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent/guardian using their registered email address and phone number.  Then, an email will be sent prompting the activation of a ParentSquare account.  Once activated, communication begins.  For parents who have not received an email from the District to activate their ParentSquare account or for parents who have never activated their account, contact the school(s) your child(ren) attend(s).  Also, make sure you have current email and phone information entered into your Skyward account. 

• Let's Stay Connected! Want to stay informed on school and district happenings?  Make sure to stay connected with the District's communication channels: its website, Facebook page, Instagram account and ParentSquare.  Our platforms are a great way to receive updates, see what's happening in our classrooms and district, and celebrate achievements.  


• Student Safety is our Top Priority!  In the Selah School District when it comes to our students, safety is the top priority when they are on campus, in classrooms, on the bus, or participating in activities.  

In order to provide quality learning opportunities and environments, students must be safe.  This is why the District has specific processes in place to ensure the security of our buildings so learning remains the focus.  See here to access the District's safety website and learn more about the procedures that protect students, staff, parents/guardians, volunteers and visitors.  The safety website also provides information the the Crime Stoppers Tip Line, the STOPit App, and the importance of when kids, staff and patrons see something, they need to say something.  Also, see here for the District's Layered School Safety graphic.  See here for the Parent Safety Flyer.  Access here for the Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying brochure. 

• How We Communicate About Safety: In a school emergency, including Lock-Down, Secure and Teach, Shelter in Place and Evacuation, the District will communicate with parents and guardians after ensuring students and staff are safe, and after accumulating accurate information to share.  The individual school and the District will communicate through its ParentSquare platform.  Make sure you have current email addresses and phone numbers in your Skyward account and that you have activated ParentSquare.

• Student Transportation: It's back-to-school time and that means many Selah students will be riding the school bus.  If students ride the bus there are route numbers to know and pick-up and drop-of times to learn.  Parents can access the information on the District's web page or Transportation Department site once it is posted.  A ParentSquare message will also be sent.  We are currently scheduling routes and transportation will be released soon.  If you have a specific transportation request and haven't spoken to the Transportation Department, please contact 509-698-8440.

• Safe Walk Routes:  If students don't ride a school bus another safe transportation option is to follow the District's Safe Walk Routes.  The safety of Selah students and kids in school zones is the District's top priority.  Current safe walking routes have been developed based on traffic patterns and traffic control such as crosswalks, traffic lights, and safety patrol posts.  To learn more about the District's safe walking routes for students and to access the established maps, see here.  

• Bus Rules and Expectations:  It is always to review school bus rider rules and expectations.  Access here to review the brochure from the Transportation Department, which includes bus rider rules and expectations.

• School Meals and Menus:  During the 2024-2025 school year, all Selah students will receive daily meals at no cost as part of the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) system.  All students receive daily breakfast and lunch meals at no cost, regardless of household income.  No free and reduced applications will be collected to determine eligibility as the CEP Program is inclusive of every student.  Also, remember our Breakfast After the Bell opportunity.  Each school can share its details.  See here for breakfast and lunch menus and to learn more about the District's Nutrition Services Department.

• Selah High School and Selah Middle School Athletics:  We strongly support the commitment to interscholastic athletic programs as an essential educational opportunity for students.  If your high school or middle school student is interested in participating in sports, register here using the online Final Forms process.  All athletes need to use this process prior to the first practice and have a physical on file.  If you have questions about Selah High School athletics, contact Athletic Director, Becky Gause at 509-698-8514.  Direct middle school sports questions to Kip Harris at 509-698-8338.  The Selah High School Fall Parent Sports Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 20, at 6:00 p.m. at the high school student center.  The Selah Middle School Fall Parent Sports Meeting for athletes in grades 7th and 8th is scheduled for Tuesday, August 27, at 6:00 p.m. at the VPAC.

• Volunteering:  We enjoy having volunteers and visitors in our schools!  As we begin the 2024-2025 school year, if you would like to sign-up to be a school or program volunteer, see here to complete the online application process.  Also, all school visitors must sign in at the front office and receive a visitor badge so we can identify you as being on campus.   

• Think About Getting Involved in Our Schools:  Thinking about getting involved in our school community?  Whether it's through parent advisory committees, district committees, the PTO, volunteering or supporting various events, your participation makes a powerful difference in our students' lives.  Call your student(s) school to see how you can get involved.

• Activities Calendar: Please see here for the 2024-2025 Activities Calendar.

• Back-to-School Newsletter:  Coming soon, access here for the Back-to-School Educational Report.

• Annual Notices:  See here for required legal and annual notices.  Access here for Board policies.

• Questions:  If you have any questions, please contact the school your child(ren) attend(s).  All school offices are open.