Meeting Types Procedures
School Board Meetings
The Board of Directors conducts a variety of meetings. Each of these meetings, with the exception of executive session, are open to the public, but are not meetings of the public. The purpose of the meetings is to conduct School District business and to provide the members of the Board an opportunity to discuss issues with each other and with staff. To clarify, we provide the following definitions of meetings:
Regular Meeting: This is a business meeting held on a scheduled date, usually the fourth Thursday of each month. Action may be taken. Public input is allowed after being recognized by the board president.
Study Session Meeting: This is a business meeting held on a scheduled date, usually the second Thursday of each month. Action may be taken but generally the agenda is devoted to one or two topics. Public input is allowed after being recognized by the board president.
Executive Session: This is a session of the Board of Directors which is not open to the public - only certain topics may be discussed such as property, personnel, and legal matters. No action may be taken.
Special Meeting: This is a business meeting held on a date other than the regularly scheduled meeting. Action may be taken. Public input is allowed after being recognized by the board president.
Community Forum: This is a meeting to listen to community input. The forum may address a specific topic or may be a general information session to receive community input. This meeting may be held at individual schools or in the community. No action may be taken.
Retreat: This is a planning meeting between Board members and staff that could include a training session for Board members. No action may be taken.
Emergency Meeting: This is a business meeting scheduled with at least two hours notice to the public. An emergency meeting is usually called to address a situation that must be handled immediately. Action may be taken.
Exempt Meeting: Some meetings frequently held by school boards are not subject to the OPMA. They are known Exempt meetings. The board need not provide public notice or public access when it is gathering for collective bargaining sessions, grievance meetings and discussions on the interpretation or application of a collective bargaining agreement.
Advance notice of all meetings is distributed to the news media, posted at the front door of the Administration Building, and on the Selah School District's Web Page. Agendas are available at the District Administration Office.
Board Meeting Procedures
***We invite all community members to address the Board on an issue or topic. The agenda item titled “Suggestions/Comments from the Audience” is for any comments related to topics that are not on the agenda. The audience can also provide informal comments on specific agenda items after being recognized by the board president. Individual remarks are limited to 3 minutes. Patrons making comments are asked to begin by identifying themselves. Please appoint a spokesperson if the concern is a group concern. If desired, you may provide written documentation to the Board Secretary to be included as part of the official meeting record.
While the Board will listen to all public comments carefully, the Board cannot respond to comments spontaneously or without further deliberation. The Board may direct the Superintendent to respond to the issues expressed at a later date.
Complaints about specific personnel will not be heard in open session and will not be part of the record of any public meeting. Harassing or derogatory statements about any persons or groups of persons will not be heard.
Those who are unable to attend a board meeting may also submit a public comment by emailing Jennifer Baird at JenniferBaird@selahschools.
Public comments submitted through email will be included in the official record. Please add “Public Comment” to the subject of your email.